Pièce d’actualité n°16 : Güven
, 2021Güven is 29 years old. He was born in Aubervilliers, he studied there as well, he lives in the projects with his parents and works in Aubervilliers. He sometimes visits his family in Turkey.
One day, he acted in a play with Marie-José Malis, whom he calls MamiJo or Marijozolympik. Güven was made for theater. He comes on stage, and suddenly he is an actor. Artists, when looking at him, see the beginning of their work.
For Güven, we have imagined a cabaret where associated artists to La Commune take turns to stage “Güven”. 3 directors for Güven.
1 hour 45 minutes
Maxime Kurvers, Marie-José Malis et Marion Siéfert
Momo Bouri et Güven Tugla
Jessy Ducatillon
Géraldine Dudouet
Agathe Laemmel
La Commune CDN d’Aubervilliers
création le 17 novembre 2021
Güven Antoine
conception et mise en scène Maxime Kurvers
récit improvisé Güven Tugla
musique Teni
remerciements Rodrigo Garcia
durée 20 minutes
Hercule, Güven et Le Bourgeois Momo
dramaturgie, mise en scène Momo Bouri, Marie-José Malis, Güven Tugla
interprétation Momo Bouri, Marie-José Malis, Güven Tugla
costumes Valentine Solé
musique INTRIGUE Call of the heart
durée 35 minutes
Mon daron
texte, conception et mise en scène Marion Siéfert
d’après le récit et les improvisations de Güven Tugla
assistante à la mise en scène Mathilde Chadeau
création lumière David Pasquier
costumes Valentine Solé
durée 40 minutes